We are Team Gargantua - 9 people who spent their time at SSERD working towards a single goal - to make space as accessible as possible. To accomplish this goal, we tried to create a conceptual design of an almost fully reusable Two-Stage Rocket to cross the edge of space, the Karman Line. Starting at T-minus 5 weeks, our team perfected each component from the ground up - from the mission design, to the propulsion, to the aerodynamics. Now all that’s left to do is build it, wire it up, and liftoff!
External Guide
Internal Guide
“At some point, everything’s going to go south on you, and you’re going to say this is it. This is how I end. Now you can either accept that, or you can get to work. That’s all it is. You just begin. You do the math. You solve one problem and you solve next one, and then next. And if you solve enough problems, you get to go to SPACE!!”